How to Change Portugal NIF Address Online on Finance Portal

What is the requirement to change the Finance Address online?

  1. NIF Number
  2. Finance Portal Password (When will I receive my password?)
  3. A Valid Proof of Address

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Acceptable Proof of Address Documents

CitizenResidenceAcceptable Documents
EU / EEA Residence Card
EU / EEA Driver’s License
The first page of the bank statement issued within the past 3 months
Certificate of Permanent
(5 Y)
PortugalPortugal Residence Permit
Proof of Address (Junta)
EU / EEA citizensPortugalCertificate of Permanent
(5 Y)
All NationalitiesEU / EEA citizensEU / EEA Residence Card
EU / EEA Driver’s License
The first page of the bank statement issued within past 3 months
Certificate of Permanent
(5 Y)

Step 1: Log in to Portal das Finanças

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Iniciar Sessão button at the top right corner of the page.
Log in to Portal das Finanças (NIFPORTUGAL.NET)

3. Click on the NIF tab Option

Click on the NIF tab Option (NIFPORTUGAL.NET)

4. Enter your NIF number. Where can I find my NIF number?

5. Enter your password.

6. Click the Authenticate button.

Click the Authenticate button (NIFPORTUGAL.NET)

Step 2: Navigate to e-balcão

  1. Write the e-balcão on the top of the search bar.
Navigate to e-balcão (NIFPORTUGAL.NET)

2. Find “Atendimento e-balcão” and click Aceder.

Atendimento e-balcão (NIFPORTUGAL.NET)

Step 3: Register a new question

Click on the “Register Nova Questão” button under the Pedido de Informações / Esclarecimentos section.

Register Nova Questão NIFPORTUGAL.NET

Step 4: Submit your request

Follow the given instructions below based on your country of residence.

4a. If you are a Portugal resident, follow these instructions.
4b. If you are an EU / EEA resident, follow these instructions.

Step 4a: Submit a request (Portugal Residents)

  1. Select the following options from the dropdown menus.
Dropdown MenuSelect
Imposto ou áreaRegistro Contribuinte
Tipo de QuestãoIdentific
QuestãoAlteração Morada/Singulares
Submit your request (NIF Portugal Online)

2. Select Não to the following question – “Alguma destas responde às suas dúvidas?”

Alguma destas responde às suas dúvidas

3. Complete the form given on the finances Portal.

Copy-paste the text below and replace the following fields:

  • [your complete address in Portugal]
  • [your fiscal representative’s name]
  • [your fiscal representative’s NIF]
Form FieldCopy the TextEnglish Translation
AssuntoAlteração de Morada e Cancelamento de RepresentaçãoChange of Address and Cancellation of Tax Representation
MensagemBom dia!
Venho por este meio solicitar a alteração da minha morada.
A minha morada actual é:
‍[your complete address in Portugal].
Solicito também o cancelamento da representação fiscal de
‍[your fiscal representative’s name] – NIF [your fiscal representative’s NIF] tendo em conta a minha morada em Portugal.
Muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda!
[Your name]
Good morning!
I hereby request a change of my address.
My current address is:
[your complete address in Portugal including your parish].
I also request the cancellation of the tax representation by [your fiscal representative’s name] – NIF [your fiscal representative’s NIF] instead of my address in Portugal.

Thank you very much for your help!
[Your name]
Complete the form given on the finances Portal
  1. Attach your proof of address.
    Under “Selecione o ficheiro a enviar”, click the Procurar button and upload your proof of address document.
Attach your proof of address.
  1. Click the Register Questão button to submit your request.
    If you receive the following automated reply from Financas, it simply means that they have received your request and are processing it.
    “A Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (AT) agradece o seu contacto. O pedido fica registado para análise e tratamento.
    Com os melhores cumprimentos
    AT- Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira”
  2. Wait for 1-2 business days before proceeding to the next step.
    After 2 business days, you may follow up to check on the progress of your request. To do this, just click Reabrir on the bottom right side of the screen and send the following:

Step 4b: Submit Request (EU / EEA Residents)

  1. Select the following options from the dropdown menus.
Dropdown MenuSelect
Imposto ou áreaRegistro Contribuinte
Tipo de QuestãoIdentific
QuestãoRepresentação Fiscal
Submit Request (EU  EEA Residents)

2. Select Não to the following question – “Alguma destas responde às suas dúvidas?”

2. Select Não to the following question - Alguma destas responde às suas dúvidas
  1. Complete the form.
    Copy-paste the text below and replace the following fields:
  • [your fiscal representative’s name]
  • [your fiscal representative’s NIF]
  • (Name)

Your fiscal representative’s information name and NIF number will be listed on your NIF document. Where can I find my fiscal representative’s information?

Form FieldCopy the TextEnglish Translation
AssuntoRetirada da Representação Fiscal para Residentes da UE / EEEWithdrawal of Fiscal Representation for EU / EEA Resident
MensagemBom dia!
Sou residente na UE / EEE, e de acordo com a Carta Oficial 90052, não sou obrigado a manter um representante fiscal em Portugal.
Por conseguinte, solicito a retirada da minha representação fiscal com [your fiscal representative’s name] – NIF [your fiscal representative’s NIF] tendo em conta a minha morada em [your country of residence].
Muito obrigado pela vossa ajuda!
[Your Name]
Good morning!
I’m an EU / EEA resident, and as per Official Letter 90052, I am not obligated to maintain a fiscal representative in Portugal.
Therefore, I hereby request for the withdrawal of my fiscal representation with
[your fiscal representative’s name] – NIF [your fiscal representative’s NIF] instead of my address in [your country of residence].
Thank you very much for your help!
[Your name]
  1. Attach your proof of address.
    Under “Selecione o ficheiro a enviar,” click the Procurar button and upload your proof of address document.
  1. Click the Register Questão button to submit your request.
    If you receive the following automated reply from Financas, it simply means that they have received your request and are processing it.
    “A Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (AT) agradece o seu contacto. O pedido fica registado para análise e tratamento.
    Com os melhores cumprimentos
    AT- Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira”
  2. Wait for 1-2 business days before proceeding to the next step.
    After 2 business days, you may follow up to check on the progress of your request. To do this, just click Reabrir on the bottom right side of the screen and send the following:
Copy This TextEnglish Translation
Acompanhamento do pedido de retirada da minha representação fiscalFollow-up on my fiscal representation withdrawal request

Step 5: Sign and upload the Alteração document (optional)

Note: the tax office sometimes skips this step, so if you do not receive an Alteração document, you can proceed to the next step.

  1. Log in to Portal das Finanças.
  2. Navigate to e-balcão (see Step 2).
  3. Under Interações Registadas, click the Ver Pedido button to find your message thread.
Alteração document (NIFPORTUGAL.NET)
  1. You should see a message from Autoridade Tributária with a document for you to sign and return. It should have the word Alteração (“change”).
Autoridade Tributária NIFPORTUGAL.NET
  1. Download the Alteração document and complete the following:

Page 1 – Verify that all information is accurate.
Page 2 – Add your signature and today’s date (see example below).

6. Attach your signed Alteração document and reply to the thread with the following message:

Form FieldCopy This TextEnglish Translation
Message BodyVeja o documento assinado em anexoSee signed document attached

7. Wait 1-2 business days before proceeding to the next step.

Step 6: Download your updated NIF

  1. Log in to Portal das Finanças.
  2. Navigate to e-balcão (see Step 2).
  3. Under Interações Registadas, click the Ver Pedido button to find your message thread.
Download the Alteração document NIFPORTUGAL.NET
  1. Download your updated NIF document! 🎉
    The Representation section of your new NIF document should be empty.
Download your updated NIF document!

If you’d like to cancel your fiscal representation with Bordr, email a copy of your updated NIF document to [email protected] or upload it on the app.

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