How to Change NIF Password Portugal on the Portal Online

How to Change NIF Password Portugal on the Portal Online

Welcome to our guide on changing your NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) password on the Portal the Finanças Online in Portugal. Your NIF password is crucial for accessing various online services related to taxation and financial matters within the Portuguese system. Anyone knows that the first NIF Password provided by the finance office through ctt post contained 12 digits of the capital English alphabet, which is not easy to remember.

How to Change NIF Password Portugal on the Portal Online

So, Everyone wants to change that lengthy password to his own easy-to-remember and secure password. Whether you’re a resident, business owner, or taxpayer, maintaining the security of your NIF account is essential. This tutorial will walk you through the step-by-step process of updating your NIF password securely and efficiently.

To change your Portal das Finanças (Finance Portal) password in Portugal, you typically need to follow these steps:

1. Access the Portal das Finanças: Go to the official website of the Portal das Finanças using your web browser.

2. Login: Click the Iniciar Sessão button at the top right corner of the page and log in to your account using your NIF number and old Password.

Access the Portal das Finanças

3. Navigate to the Menu: Look for the MENU section in your login dashboard of the finance portal. Inside the menu, you can find the first option, “MY AREA, next to that, click on the “Personel Data” option, which allows you to change the NIF password. This section may be labelled as “Dados Pessoais” in Portuguese.

4. Access Data: You can find the first option, “Access Data, to change your password within the profile or settings section. This option might be labelled as “DADOS DE ACESSO” in Portuguese.

Navigate to the Menu

5. Authentication: You will find the section again where you have to insert the NIF number and Password and confirm it.


6. Access Data to the Finance Portal: In this section, click “CHANGE DATA” as of “Alterar Dados” in Portuguese.

Access Data to the Finance Portal

7. Authentication: Again, you must authenticate with your finance number and old password.

8. Change Access Data: In this section, You need to click on the first option, the “Change Password” check box, and a new pop-up will appear under that option where you need to add your new finance password and reconfirm it in the left bar. After carefully entering the new NIF password, click the green “ALTER” button below.

Change Access Data


In summary, changing your Portal das Finanças password in Portugal is a straightforward process that begins with logging into your account on the official website. All the procedures have been explained step by step with images and video. Now, I believe that You can easily change the NIF password online.

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